MAYAPAGES was founded in 2021 with the idea of offering professional content and design, specializing in all types of media and press kits, and making a clear distinction between media and press kits.
Over the past years, we’ve gained a lot of experience throughout Upwork, where we’ve worked for clients around the world from all continents and crafted custom media press kits that meet the needs of each client.
We have noticed that people often misuse the terms media kit and press kit. So, we decided to clarify the differences between them.
Moreover, you will learn how these types of graphic presentation promotional material can help to catch the eye of your business avatars.
We guide you in a time-saving manner through the entire process of collecting material and other details that define your business avatars and help us create unique content & design that match your business goals.
Primarily, we provide content and design in English, but if you have content ready in other languages, such as Japanese, German, French, Spanish...etc, it will be our pleasure to do a creative part for your media press kits.